Rackspace CloudFiles — django
Optionally, you can implement the following custom upload_to in your models.py file. This will upload the file using the file name only to Cloud Files (e.g. ...
Cloud Files
Cloud Files, powered by OpenStack®, provides an easy to use online storage for files and media which can be delivered globally at blazing speeds. Getting started with Cloud... · Secure Cloud Files and CDN...
Secure Cloud Files and CDN URLs
You can access every Cloud Files container through HTTP or HTTPS. In the Cloud Control Panel, select Storage > Files, click the gear icon for the container, ...
Cloud Files overview
Cloud Files is an affordable, redundant, scalable, and dynamic storage service offering. The core storage system is designed to provide a safe, secure, ...
Rackspace Cloud Files
CURRENTLY UNSUPPORTED Rackspace has changed their API library and it will require a re-write of the code in Storage API module.